My Story
You are seen.
Such a simple phrase, but so loaded with meaning.
Today, I feel seen, but I have not always felt like that.
Born the middle child, home life was chaotic.
I was a daddy's girl through and through, until he left.
Mom and dad loved each other as best they could with what they had,
but they couldn't make it work.
Like so many in the world today.
They separated multiple times,
but I remember the day he left for good.
I watched as his little white pick-up truck drove away,
crying, feeling unseen.
We do the best with what we have,
it's important to remember that.
But our choices, and the choices of others
can sometimes HURT.
Leaving us wounded and not knowing why,
or how to heal.
We do all the things that fill those holes in our lives.
We try people, places and things.
Nothing quite fills that space.
Nothing like our God.
He made us.
He made us with that hole.
Why on earth would He do that?
So we would CRAVE Him and only feel fulfilled when we let Him
live in that hole.
It's just the perfect size and shape for him.
Made by Him, for Him.
You are seen.
One of the names of God is El Roi-God who sees.
i heard this recently and silent tears slid down my cheeks.
Realizing that my God sees ME.
Hot Mess Express me.
Every minute of every day.
and He sees YOU.
I see you, too.
You are doing the best you can with what you have.
You are moving in and out of life's chaos
Hoping someone sees you and your struggle.
Hoping someone can sit by your side, and just hold your hand.
I create because God created me to.
He created me with HIS EYES.
He created me to see you, too.
I see you.
I see your pain.
I see your brokenness.
But this doesn't have to be your story.
This doesn't have to be where your story ends.
My jewelry is a reminder that I was created to see.
To see the beauty in the rough stones, AND the smooth ones.
Whether you are a rough stone, or a smooth one.
You have VALUE in God's eyes.
Gift my creations to a friend who's having a hard time.
Wear my pieces, wrap up in one of my blankets,
knowing that we are SEEN and LOVED.